CHAPTER 51 Welcome to the Mafia World!


  Lance looks frustrated and bothered. And I don't understand why they are all acting this way.

  "Are you okay?" I asked.

  "Y-yes but I'm not. Andrew is playing with us!" Lance shouted in frustration.

  I close the door afraid that Kenneth and Kevin will hear him.

  Now, I'm really confused!

  "Andrew is playing what? I don't understand! Can you explain it to me?" I asked confusedly.

  Lance just looks at me sincerely and is about to cry. What is happening to him?

  "I'm sorry My Love. I think it's time for you to know about my Life outside the company. My other world!" Lance answered.

  Is he an Alien or what?

  "Huh? What world? Don't tell me on the other planet? You're joking right?"I asked sourly.

  "I'm not joking. I'am the King of Golden Tiger International Mafia Association." Lance answered without blinking his eyes.

  What he said didn't sink into my mind but the word Mafia keeps ringing in my ears.