CHAPTER 62 The Clone Evil Prince

  Third Person POV

  The Evil Prince smirked at him. It's full of arrogance.

  "You don't look like a King of a Golden Tiger! But a puppy hahaha" He laughs loudly.

  "And you look like an idiot, not a clone," Lance answered seriously.

  He needs to be ready at any time. Any moment, this crazy clone will attack him.

  And it did!

  The Evil Prince launch an attack on him. Sending flying kicks but he avoids it all.

  The enemy is strong but no one can stop him from saving the twins!

  "You're good!" He chuckled.

  "And you're bad!" Lance answered and throws away his punches.

  The Evil Prince avoids his punch but he's determined to hit him.

  And he hit his nose! Blood drips and the Evil Prince wipes it.

  "Tsk! Not my nose!" He shouted angrily and carry the table beside them.

  It's a metal one and heavy but he carries it with ease!

  He throws it away and Lance jumps up high and landed over the table.