*Lorde's Pov*

  Are you deaf?" I yelled at her, I hate when asking questions and getting ignored.



  "Lorde I think you need to calm down a little, tears are already flowing from her eyes, she is scared," Raja said.

  "I think I should get calm a little, her parents? She is joking."

  "Do you even know her name now? " Raja asked then I said,

  "Are you joking with me? By the way, what is your name?"


  I love her name but don't have time to start being romantic, I will just go straight to the point, the issue on the ground, someone hurt her and the person must pay for it.

  "Look Amelia, I don't like someone covering up other people sin, tell me who did this to you at once, no parents will want to use silver on their kid," I said.

  "Alpha, it's the truth, I disobeyed them and I was only getting punished for it."

  Looking deep into her eyes, I could tell she speak the truth.