Amelia's Pov

  I smelled danger and Red said, "Be ready Amelia, anything can happen."

  "Sure Red."

  I heard his Alpha voice, "Go down." And I obeyed without thinking twice about it.

  A mighty scary wolf came after him, Red was angry that the wolf harmed Lorde and she suddenly took over, my claws were out and my eyes got changed too.

  The wolf came after me with full force and I was lucky to dodge it as it landed on the ground and dust covered the place, then I stood my ground, jumping very high to hit the wolf who pushed me then I ended up hitting the tree with my back real hard as I groaned in pains.

  What is this thing? Why do I smell chemicals around it?"

  "Amelia you have to run far, it came for just me." I heard Lorde voice in pain as he was still bleeding and not healing as it was supposed to be, it made me angrier as I faced the wolf again, roaring so loud as I targeted the neck and killed it in seconds.

  "We did it Red."