Katarina's Pov

  I acted like I was not shocked when the person came in, I decided to make a fuss about everything.

  "Hey, can't you knock? What if I am naked?" I yelled at the guy who opened the door.

  "I am so sorry Miss, forgive my manner, I forgot myself."

  "It's okay, so why are you here? We just finished having breakfast and the menu was sent to us, or is there something new for everyone?"

  "Yes, Miss there is, Alpha Lorde ordered us to move you to a better and bigger room, he also grants you a pass to come and visit your sister at the main mansion whenever you like."

  I could not stop smiling when he started saying all these to me, finally, Alpha Lorde made things easy for me to get to him and also it will be so simple to get rid of Amelia for good.

  "Thank you for passing the information, is that all?"