Amelia's Pov

  I had the same dream again about getting killed when I opened my eyes in a dark room, what happened to me? Why am I here? This place is so dark and I am scared, Red what happened to us?

  "I think we got captured by some wolves."

  "You mean those wolves that came by earlier saying we received a packaged from the Alpha and it turned out we were never getting there, oh no, you are right, we have been kidnapped and there is no way for us to leave here because this is so dark."

  "Have faith in Alpha Lorde, he will find us," Red advised me.

  "I know he will but can't you do anything to set us free?"

  "We got injected and it's affecting me and lastly the door, I could feel strange heat, check it out," Red added.

  Injected? Seems they plan on keeping us long in here or is this where I meet my death at the end of the day?