Katarina Pov

  I need to look for means to distract Alpha Lorde from not going out to look for my sister but it's still so impossible, how can I do that when I am not even allowed to stand at the spot he is standing right now?

  This is so complicated, I hope those fools have killed her already because I have been calling them with an unknown ID after mom sent me their leader's number but I got no response from them.

  I walked to the rogue, "Hi."

  "Hello." He replied.

  "Do you know if the Alpha is still around, since we finished the rites and others, I can't find him around here?"

  "He left immediately he did his part, I hope no problem at all?"

  "Not at all, the alpha is so nice I must say, I shall head to my room now since the burial is almost over."

  "Okay, do you need me to walk with you, something tells me you are bored?"

  "Why will I allow that? I know almost all Rogue has a mate here so why do I feel you are about to flirt with me?"