Simon's Pov

  I came back home and could not find Alpha Lorde around, when I tried calling him, he didn't pick up, knowing Amelia was also absent from Fiona, I concluded they might be out for a date.

  "Fiona, have you eaten dinner yet?" I asked her.

  "No, I was waiting for you so we can eat together." She said to me.

  "I guess our mate is considerate of you, if it was me, I won't even wait, I will finish the meal before you even come." Jay my wolf side spoke.

  "That's why she is my mate and you are my wolf side," I replied him.

  "Silly human." He added and I smiled.

  "Will you like to eat out?'" I asked her looking at her lips.

  "Yes, it will be nice." She replied and I was happy about it.

  Right about now, I need to think of how to be closer to my mate and make her feel so special that without her, I am nobody and with her, I am someone.

  She put on a dress and we both left the house to a restaurant.