Chapter 19: The possession

  Brielle's POV

  I was surprised to see Enrique De Leon on my doorstep, but luckily For me, Hera was at home today with her new work buddy from work; her name is Ona Blakely, a total blonde, she's a cute, tall, slim figure, gray eyes, big boobs, and flat ass, no exaggeration though just saying.

  "Enrique...?" I called. "What are you doing here?" I added.

  I don't know, but for some reason, I'm hot, my palm is sweaty, my legs are shaky, my blood pressure rose.

  "Well, I'm here now, so can I come in first before you question me?" he inquired.

  "Uh-huh yeah, yeah- " I mumbled. "Who's there? "Who you're talking to, Elle? " Hera question from the kitchen.

  "Uh, come in" I ignore her question.

  "Who's you telling to come in? " she questioned again.

  "Well, it's Enrique! " I roll my eyes sarcastically.

  "Who? "She questioned again with her footsteps leaving the kitchen to the sitting room.

  "You mean, Enrique DeLeon? "she gestured with her voice.