The next morning came in a crash. Literally, outside the sky was a nasty greyish purple, rain slammed like pebbles against Elaina’s bedroom window. After a summer of almost near perfect weather the first storm of fall had finally arrived.
Elaina shivered listening to the sound of wind ripping against the temple. Beside her Charise continued to sleep soundly, one thing she was good for was sleeping through almost anything.
Sitting up, Elaina shoved her friend. Charise cursed and tried to bury herself in Elaina’s white comforter, with a yank Elaina took it away. Charise growled and turned over glaring.
“If there isn’t a fire I am going to destroy you.”
“Haven’t I already told you that if something were ever on fire I was going to let you fend for yourself?” Elaina asked cheerfully. “You know the saying every man for himself.”
Charise continued to glare, “We aren’t men, we are women therefore it doesn’t count.”
With a shrug Elaina stood and stretched loosening all her muscles. “I was going to go for a run this morning, but it seems Mother Nature had other ideas. Want to practice hand to hand with me instead?”
“Not until I get some caffeine in me.” Charise grumbled finally stirring. “What time is it?”
Elaina checked her clock, “Half past eight.”
Charise groaned and stood up, not saying a word she stomped towards the door, only stopping to mutter something under her breath before disappearing leaving Elaina alone to change.
After slipping on a tank top and sweats, Elaina hurried out of the room and downstairs to the dining area. There weren’t many people there which meant she had her pick of breakfast this morning.
Since most of the warriors had stayed up late in a meeting she knew that they would be sleeping in.
Grabbing herself a cup of coffee and bagel, Elaina went and found a seat by the large bay windows at the far end of the room.
While she nibbled on her food she watched as lightning flashed one after the other, lighting the sheets of rain that were almost impossible to see even a foot through.
As waves of water slammed the window Elaina let her mind wander to the night and the discussion she had had with Charise and Chase.
She found herself wondering if Chase was going to rat her out to the brothers. She didn’t know him well enough and wasn’t even nice enough to him for him to have much reason to keep her secrets. But somehow she knew that he wouldn’t tell something that wasn’t his to tell and at least Charise had been present for it otherwise he probably wouldn't have run and told her.
Another flash of lightning illuminated the world outside and Elaina caught something standing at the edge of the woods.
Dropping her bagel she focused her attention even more. Another strike of lightning surrounded the figure outside watching her.
Heart slamming in her chest Elaina continued to stare, something about it was familiar but she couldn’t place her finger on it. It stood very still letting the rain pour off of it.
A gasp escaped Elaina’s mouth as wings spread from its back, then it was gone, leaving her wondering if she had actually seen anything at all or if her mind was playing tricks on her.
A hand landed on Elaina’s shoulder causing her to jump. She turned to face Christopher who was looking slightly embarrassed.
She studied him before plastering a smile on her face and offering him the seat beside her.
“Are you sure it is ok for me to sit down?” Christopher asked quickly, indecision flashing in his brown eyes. “You didn’t want to be alone did you?”
“No, it’s fine, have a seat.” Elaina said, tearing her gaze from the window and taking a sip of her coffee.
Christopher was really the last person she had expected to run into, especially since she hadn’t seen him since the night of the attacks.
For the most part she had simply figured that he had been a coward and ran away when all hell broke loose, but now she knew he hadn’t.
“How have you been?” Christopher asked the concern palpable in his eyes and tone.
“I’ve been alright.” Elaina said, taking another sip of coffee. “Just really bored and getting cabin fever being stuck here is all.”
Christopher laughed, “Tell me about it, “I wanted to go into town just last week to get a few things and the brothers about bit my head off. Everyone has been so on edge since the attack.”
“I don’t see why.” Noticing she sounded a little sarcastic, Elaina tried again. “I mean they aren’t the ones that were attacked, not really anyway.”
Something passed over Christopher’s face, but it was gone just as quickly as it had come. “You were amazing out there. I’ve wanted to tell you that but I hadn’t run into you.”
Elaina dismissed this with a simple wave of the hand. “Anyone would’ve done the same.”
“Well, I would say that I agree with you on that, except they didn't, they all ran like babies.” Christopher noted. “Even though I took off, I’m sorry about that by the way.”
“There is no reason to say sorry.” Elaina murmured, meeting Christopher’s eyes. “If you ask anyone that knows me well enough why I did it they would tell you it is because I have a death wish.”
“Do you?” Christopher pushed.
“Have a death wish?” Elaina asked, watching as Christopher nodded, “No, I don’t have a death wish.”
Neither spoke as Christopher ate his cereal, still watching her thoughtfully.
Trying to not seem rude Elaina sat down her coffee and went back to eating her bagel.
When the silence continued to drag on and become uncomfortable Elaina began to wrack her brain for something to say. She hadn’t ever really had a problem coming up with something to say, but something about Christopher unnerved her. It could’ve been those dark eyes, or something else, but Elaina was coming up short of interesting conversation topics.
“I need more coffee.” She announced suddenly standing. “Want some?”
Christopher looked confused but then shook his head. “Actually I can’t stand the stuff.”
“You’re missing out.” Elaina smiled walking backwards, then turned and hurried towards the fresh pot that Brother Alex had just set out.
Charise stood beside it pouring herself a cup. Looking up she spotted Elaina coming towards her. Waving in the way of greeting she waited as Elaina took the last few steps to the pot.
Not speaking, Elaina poured herself another cup and quickly looked back to the table where she had been sitting; Christopher remained in place staring outside at the raging storm.
“Seems you have an admirer.” Charise noted staring pointedly at Christopher.
Elaina, feeling flustered, waved her comment off, “He’s just being nice since he left me to fend for myself when the temple was attacked.”
“You realize a lot of people left you to fend for yourself and they haven’t bothered to be nice to you.” Charise said wisely. “But feel free to continue living in denial; it seems to be your favorite place anyway.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Elaina asked, genuinely confused. “I was positive I had been living in the real world this whole time.”
Charise looked baffled. “Do you not realize when someone is flirting or hitting on you?”
“No and I don’t really care.” Elaina admitted, “I don’t have time for anything like that.”
Rolling her eyes Charise joined Elaina in her journey back to the table where Christopher still sat now watching them.
“Hi, I’m Charise, the friend that helped you along with Elaina.” Charise said, smiling brightly.
“Nice to properly meet you Charise, I’m Christopher.” Christopher offered Charise a slight bemused smile before turning to Elaina again.
“So, my friend and I were just having a very interesting conversation.” Charise pushed resting her elbows on the table in front of her. “You think Elaina is pretty don’t you?”
Completely caught off guard Christopher turned a bright shade of pink before responding. “I would say that she is.”
Feeling uncomfortable, Elaina began squirming. “Charise knock it off.”
Charise seemed to not have heard her and continued, “Were you or were you not trying to flirt with her right before she jumped up like a scared puppy?”
“Charise.” Elaina hissed trying to elbow her. “I said knock it off.”
Christopher let out a long breath, “Was it that obvious?”
Charise nodded wisely, “Yes, at least to those of us who aren’t oblivious to everything going on around us.” She gave Elaina a quick ‘I told you so’ look before turning back to Christopher.
“Although, I am afraid to tell you that Elaina here has another suitor battling for her heart.”
“Oh?” Christopher sat up a little bit more. “I suppose I should turn on my charm a little more.”
“I think that would be best, yes.” Charise took a sip of her coffee and let out a long sigh of pleasure. “I suppose we could say let the best man win.”
“You know I am sitting right here?” Elaina snapped, completely aggravated by the conversation. “And just let me say I’m really not interested in dating anyone now or anytime soon.” She looked to Christopher quickly. “No offense, you’re a nice guy and all.”
“None taken.” Christopher continued to smile. “Although, maybe I could change your mind on that.”
“I like this guy.” Charise said simply clapping. “Determination and easy on the eyes.”
“I am so sorry for her; she was born without a filter.” Elaina said looking apologetically at Christopher. “Anything she thinks comes out of her mouth and she can’t stay out of anyone’s business.”
Beside her Charise seemed unfazed, busy helping herself to the apple on her tray.
“It’s really ok, but hey I have to go, the brothers want to practice dagger throwing.” Christopher said standing up, “But I’ll see you around, right?”
Elaina stared as he waited for her to respond. She simply nodded before turning her attention back to the remaining pieces of her breakfast.
Finding that she wasn’t hungry anymore she finished her coffee and waited patiently while Charise took her sweet time eating her apple. As a way to annoy Elaina she chewed as slowly as possible, crushing every bite down to millions of tiny pieces before swallowing. Once finished she sipped her coffee nursing it like it was the last cup she would ever have.
It will be. Elaina thought grumpily, crossing her arms.
“Oh, are you waiting for me?” Charise asked, looking baffled.
“Do not fake confusion with me.” Elaina growled. “After the conversation that just happened here I am more than ready to fight someone, I guess it is too bad that you are going to be the receiver of my aggression.”
“Don’t get mad at me just because you were too scared to breach the subject of possibly having someone attracted to you.” Charise snapped, taking another small sip of coffee.
“I’m not scared!” Elaina retorted. “I’m just not interested.”
“If you weren’t interested you would have shot him down in a heartbeat.” Charise held up a finger to stop Elaina’s immediate response. “Don’t tell me that you were just being nice, I’ve watched you shoot down many men; poor things looked pretty hurt too. However, you aren’t doing it to Christopher or Chase for that matter. I do think that maybe you might be starting to let that guard of yours down and let someone in for once.”
Elaina considered this, but then pushed it aside laughing. “We could possibly be about to enter into a major battle, I don’t need enemies, I need allies.”
“Use whatever excuse you want.” Charise shrugged delicately. “I just call it as I see it.”
“You always see things as black and white Charise.” Elaina sighed. “However there is always an in-between, maybe you should try looking at that sometimes.”
“I think you should go back to bed Elaina, you’re pretty grouchy, even for your standards this morning.”
Elaina continued to watch her friend, she had finished her coffee and was now rubbing her finger along its rim idly, soft whistling noises drifted to Elaina’s ears.
“Can we go now?” Elaina asked, standing. “If we don’t get there soon the whole gym is going to be packed and then we won’t be able to do anything.”
“Do you ever take a day off?” Charise asked, not meeting Elaina’s eye. “I mean you can take a day to yourself, one that doesn’t focus around fighting or anything else. You could read a book or maybe watch some TV. You don’t always have to focus your attention on fighting and preparing for a war.”
“It’s simple for you to do that.” Elaina explained. “You didn’t really ever want this life. However, I have been trained for this since I was old enough to understand. It would have been what my parents wanted.” She sucked in a breath. “It is the least I can do for them, especially after their sacrifice.”
“You really think they would’ve wanted a life of killing and being hunted for you?” Charise whispered quietly. “I don’t think any parent would want that for their child.”
Elaina spoke softly, “If they didn’t want this for me why would they have started training me themselves, they could have kept this world separate from me, but they didn’t.”
“Maybe to protect you from something that you know nothing about?” Charise’s sentence sounded more like a question rather than a statement.
“I guess we will never find out.” Elaina said simply.
A crash of thunder so loud it rattled the whole building caused Elaina to jump and look outside again. Visibility was to a minimum now the sheets of rain were so thick that she couldn’t even see the world outside anymore. Charise watched too frowning.
“Scared of a storm?” Elaina asked, trying to change the topic. “It won’t hurt you I promise.”
“I’m not scared.” Charise growled standing up with her empty cup and apple core. “I thought I saw something.”
Elaina felt her blood run cold at Charise’s words. She thought she saw something, was it the same something that she had seen not even ten minutes ago?
Shivering she stared out into the black morning waiting for a flash of lightning to illuminate the scene. When it did she found that there wasn’t anything out there. Frowning, she turned back to Charise who was standing.
“Ready to go?” She asked calmly.
“I think I’m just going to go watch a movie, I don’t really feel up to practicing today." Charise responded.
So much for practicing hand to hand with a partner, Elaina thought bitterly.
Smiling outwardly, she watched as Charise walked to the trash can, throwing out her apple core and placing her coffee cup with the other dirty dishes. Charise turned and waved once before disappearing out of the room.
Looking around Elaina wondered what was going through the heads of everyone else who were sitting and eating breakfast.
Were they as serious about this warrior business as she was? Or maybe they were just there for the same reason Charise was. Most were forced to join the warriors because their parents had done the same thing before and it was kind of a family business.
Sighing, she headed out looking only once at the world beyond the temple to see if there was anything there. Of course there wasn’t, she was just being paranoid. It seemed that her head was just playing tricks on her lately. With a shrug she picked up her pace needing physical movement to distract her from all her whirling thoughts.