Chapter 36

  The sound of snuffling woke Elaina from her pain filled sleep. Groaning she tried to shoo away whatever it was that was messing with her only to have her hand to connect with a familiar velvetty fur.

  Eyes flying open she found a Ratize was scuttling around beside her. It chortled happily as she woke before beginning to lick her.

  "How are you here?" She murmured in confusion looking around to see if there was any hole in the wall that she may have missed.

  Coming up short she eyed the creature that was still happily running its tongue along her skin.

  Were ratize able to teleport? She couldn't quite remember learning anything about this particular creature. "Are you magical?" She asked it forcing the ratize to pay attention.

  With a chortle the Ratize disappeared before reappearing before Elaina. Feeling a sudden surge of hope Elaina hugged the creature. "Can you get me out of here?" She asked quickly looking around to make sure that no one could hear her.