Chapter 26

  Evelyn's POV

  I am trying my luck one more time by going to Aidan's office. My plans aren't easy to execute and I am left with trying to convince him to do my bidding once more before I do my worst. I wonder why he isn't even bothered about having a baby. I thought he was going to find me or call me or something but he did nothing and it is pissing me off.

  I am losing patience. I thought of disguising myself to allow for easy entrance into his office, impersonating one of the people he is going to have a meeting with this morning. But I decided to go as Evelyn.

  I don't want to show him how desperate I am. He need not know so he can succumb to my wish, eventually.

  I gave the receptionist another wad of notes so she could let me in. I move out of the elevator and walk to the secretary's desk. If she doesn't allow me in, I will burst into his office. I am determined to finalize everything today.