Chapter 30

  Aidan's POV

  I find the neighborhood where Evelyn stays messy. I can't believe my baby mother is staying in this environment which is not fit for a woman with pregnancies to be staying in.

  No wonder her mother called herself a nobody.

  Why then is she saying she has good work when she can't afford a good home for her daughter and grandchild?

  "Fuck!" I curse and come out of the car. I used my GPS to get the location. I walk through the alley and see the address number on the house in front of me.

  I walk towards it quickly, cursing beneath my breath when a dirty-looking dog barks at me. I am quite amazed that I am scared of the dog, I don't know if it's because the dog is dirty or because it is barking.

  I heave a sigh of relief when I get to the door. The dog has retreated when I am no longer in sight. I wonder why the dog is barking at me in broad daylight. I also can't help but wonder if the dog is theirs or for a neighbor's.