Chapter 54

  Anna's POV

  The hall is silent, everyone is watching the host on the podium, waiting patiently for the announcement of the top 10 best businessman and newest billionaires in New York. I can see the fear and anxiety in Aidan's face, even though he is trying to hide it. I can see through him.

  I can see Julian's table from where we sit. I can also see his father watching us at intervals, there is a pretty lady beside him.

  When Aidan and I entered with my arms intertwined with his, the flashes from the media's camera were enough to intensify my anxiety. Aidan told me not to answer any questions and I was obeying him.

  When we entered the big hall, I wished for the ground to open so I could go in. My breathing seized because of the large crowd. I was panicking.

  I have never been in a place where there are so many people like this.