Chapter 70

  Aidan's POV

  The knock on the door makes me raise my head from the paperwork in front of me. I didn't go home last night and I wonder if it is Anna. I am used to her show of concern, even though I keep telling her it is unnecessary.

  At first, anytime I see her waiting up for me whenever I close from work late, it puts me off but now I like the fact that she waits up for me sometimes. But these past few days, she barely does that and I think it's because of the baby. My precious gem, Lily.

  It felt like a dream the day she came to the world. Even though I was expecting her to give me a male child, I fell in love with Lily at first sight. She has my blue ocean-sharp eyes and I love everything about her. I made a vow to protect her with everything in my power.

  That day, I felt a soft spot for Anna and I appreciated her for giving me Lily, one of the best gifts ever.