Chapter 98

  Aidan's POV

  "Shit!" I hit the car bonnet in frustration.

  This is a dead-end. I can't believe my baby won't be found. We traced the car as Tristan suggested but we found it in a bushy area with no one inside. The tracking device is still on the van which shows that they didn't take note of it. They must have decided to change their vehicle on instinct.

  "Shit!" I curse again. I feel like crying right now. I can't imagine life without Lily. I won't forgive myself if anything happens to her.

  These two innocent people that were kidnapped are suffering for my mistakes. I believe this is my mistake. If I had done the right thing for Lisa by reporting Damien to the authorities, maybe he wouldn't have the guts to be doing this and seeing me as his enemy.

  "Aidan?" Tristan holds me, as I hit the car again, more aggressively. I didn't know when tears begin to spill down my face until I begin to feel the wetness.

  "Let me be", I struggle out of his hold.