
  Who is Xander?

  Xander's history:

  Many moons ago, there lived a king, named Lycan. He ruled over the land of Arcadia and had thousands of men and women under his command. His palace was filled with gold, fine food and elaborate artwork, but one thing he did not have was love. One day King Lycano was haunting in the forest and he came upon a small lake. As he approached he saw a lady sitting at the edge of the lake, singing. King dismounted from his horse and approached her. When the woman turned to face the king, her incredible beauty struck him. The king had already fallen for this damsel, but the girl was none other than Fortuna the Goddess of Luck and Fate, the daughter of Jupiter. So the king decided to prepare the greatest feast in the history of man to impress Jupiter. The king had prepared to host Jupiter for seven days. Each day the king would try to engage the god and impress him with his wealth, and great gifts but Jupiter would hardly look at the King. If the king had one flaw it was his temper. When he was pushed, it didn't take very much to set him off. In retaliation, the king told his head cook to prepare a steak of human flesh but to make it appear appetizing. The cooks served the meal as usual, but Jupiter immediately recognized the ruse. Feeling insulted, Jupiter cursed the king along with his loyal soldiers to be wolves from that day forward and said gravely, "you have permission to marry my daughter, but I doubt she'll want you now that she can see the beast you truly are", then vanished to heaven. Luckily, Jupiter's wife Juno was watching the whole scene unfold. She made a deal with him that if he could control his temper, she would mend the curse. She transformed the king and his soldiers back into a human, but warned them not to lose temper as then he would turn back into a wolf and he would not return to human form until he calmed down. With Juno's blessing, Fortuna and King Lycano were married and lived together happily for a few years. Jupiter also blessed them later and they were blessed by a boy Are and a girl Ash. With time, when Arc and Ash grew up they noticed Arc got his father's strength from his mother's polite, wise and kind-hearted nature but Ash was just as ill-tempered and beasty as the father. So after Lycano's death, Jupiter made Arc the king of the whole underworld, not only the king of werewolves but also vampires, witches and all other supernatural creatures and gave the werewolves partial immortality. Arc married his fated mate, Mable [she was a werewolf, the daughter of his father's loyal general] and started living happily. They were blessed by a son, Luciano.

  On the other hand, Ash married a man named Michel who didn't know about her secrets. After just two years of their marriage, Ash killed Michel for a disagreement with her wolf, as she couldn't learn to control her rage and returned to his brother, Arc. But she was already pregnant with her son, Cyrus. After some years, Ash was killed by a strong coven of vampires for her own mistake as she attacked them for her pleasure. Arc who was a noble and wise kind signed a friendly treaty with vampires despite fighting as he did not want to endanger the underworld by declaring a fatal world between the two most strong creatures.

  With time, Luciano and Cyrus started growing up like brothers. They both were the carriers of their parent's qualities. After almost ruling for 600 years the king decided to hand over his throne to his successor, Luciano. Luciano at that time already found his mate, Rosalie who was the daughter of the Vampire King, Vlad and happily married her. He was ideal for becoming the king so without any second thought, Arc handed him the throne. Luciano became a good king and great alpha. The alpha and Luna were soon blessed with two sons, Xavier and Xander. They both were hybrids, easily considered the strongest men of the whole underworld.

  But this whole incident enraged Cyrus, who always envied Luciano as he never got his parent's love and he was angry with King Arc also, for not taking revenge for his mother's death, so Luciano's marriage with the vampire princess, added fuel to the fire. He started planning against the king. He was determined to take revenge and to be the ultimate king of the underworld. So he made his army without the king's knowledge. On a fine night of the Blood moon festival when all vampires and werewolves were busy celebrating, Cyrus killed King Luciano, Luna Rosalie, Xavier and the former king Arc. The royal family was betrayed by some of his men and his brother like a cousin, Cyrus whom the king used to trust most. Helpless Mable along with five years old little Xander Lived in the kingdom with the aid of some old loyal soldiers like Francesco, Luxian and some others. Cyrus caught some vampires as the assassinators and killed them as a punishment. Then he declared himself the king. His plan was successful. Not only did he become the king but also he killed his mother's killer. But he was a little worried about Xavier so ordered some men to find them as soon as possible.

  On the other hand, Xavier and Mable started living in the human world in the middle of the forest along with their soldiers. They started living like humans and Mable along with Francesco and Luxian.

  Started running the business in various famous cities in the US. Time passed by and Xavier grew up becoming the king of the Underworld again. He indeed became the strongest man in the world with the only intention of life to take revenge. Almost 89years later, Mable decided to throne Xander. Though Xander was only 24, according to the human world 94 years old.

  Xander(from Xander's point of view)

  "Your highness, have you called me?" asked Damien. I replied, "Yes, we have to leave the forest castle soon as there is some complication in the business. So, we should fix the meeting with the vampire king, Ralph, as soon as possible."

  "Yes I will arrange and I th-", Damien stopped in the middle of the sentence as all the wolves of my pack along with Damien heard the screams of Damien's brother, Liam in their mind calling for help. We could easily hear each other as we were connected through the mind link. Instantly Damien and I along with some other wolves started running in Liam's direction in our wolf form. Liam entered the human locality and as a result, was trapped by some poachers. Liam's voice started fainting slowly, it seemed like he was badly injured. When we reached, the unexpected sight surprised us all, a beautiful human girl trying to untie the throne net.
