Chapter 12


  I wake up with a start, knowing a girl named Gloria has been murdered. I saw the entire scene in my dream. A two-legged werewolf, one with blazing eyes and snow-white fur, tore her to shreds. The creature in my vision wasn't from this world.

  Fear runs through my veins, yet I came to this town to put an end to this creature. Visions of this creature awakening won't leave me alone. At first, I only saw eyes staring back at me, but now the monster has slaughtered a werewolf, and I can no longer stay idle.

  I tiredly put on my clothes. I don't care about fashion and dress like Aerith from Final Fantasy on most days. I've always been kind at heart, and Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter is my idol—she wasn't afraid of being herself. She always smiled, and watching her gave me the strength to wear my floral patterned clothes and boots.

  Humming to myself, I walk out through my room at the hotel, almost crashing into the girl from the other day—Patricia.