Smith Bridget POV

  “I knew it! You were hiding something from me!,” she exclaimed as she shrieked in excitement. I turned around to look at her and saw the way she was jumping happily.

  I arched my eyebrows in surprise. What is wrong? Why is she hopping like a rabbit? I walked back to her and dropped the plate of food in my hands on the kitchen island.

  Then I turned to her and asked, “Daniella, is everything okay? What is wrong? Why are you acting weird? Is there something on my back?” I practically bombarded her with questions.

  She turned me around and shoved my hair aside before rubbing a spot on my neck. “Hmm,” she murmured. “I wonder what this dark red mark on your neck is.”

  I immediately froze as I silently gasped. That’s a hickey right? Oh my gosh! She saw the hickey… I blushed so hard as I couldn’t help but murder Williams in my head over and over again.