Chapter 46: Lunch break

"So, where is your 'dear husband', Mrs Wilsons?" Sandy asked me sarcastically when we get back to work the following day after my two days off at home.

It's already 10:00 o'clock but Gabriel hasn't arrived yet and I have already cancelled his first and second appointment pf the day.

"Stop calling me that, someone might hear you!" I glared at her.

"Okay... then answer me, where is our boss?"

"Why are you asking me, I am not his mother!"

"Excuse me? But you are his wife, you should know where he is!"

"Sandy, we're just married on a piece of paper and you know that and to answer your first question, honestly... I don't know. Our last meeting was on Saturday afternoon and he said he's going to meet Stacey." I almost whispered the last word.

"Ohh... so he's with his ex on your first wedding night... nice!"

"Stop it, Sandy!" I said getting annoyed with her teasing.

"Oh, but why? I'm not doing anything here, I'm just repeating your words, 'duh!"