Chapter 42


'The motherfucker was at her home trying to leave Abagail's necklace on her doorstep. We need to catch whoever the fuck is doing this." Jason said with urgency. Detective Fairchild asked for the bag with the necklace as she looked inside it with some tweezers, pulling the necklace out. 'You sure this is Abagail's necklace?"

'Yes I gave it to her myself. It was a gift for her investing in the company." Dan explained as Jason turned to him in shock as always by something new Dan has done. 'It looks like traces of blood on here. I will get this to forensics immediately. In the meantime try to lay as low as possible. Alyssa, I will need your statement about the night of the Fashion show." Jason took a defensive step, but Detective Fairchild held her hands up. 'It's procedure. Do you have somewhere to stay for the night? We need to search your apartment for any other clue the killer may have left."