Death is eradicated. Death is someone's fault. Death is a process.
Those were the last lines of the book that I just finished before I got out of bed. I didn't expect the ending. It was beautifully crafted; the words were picked carefully by the author. Letters are weaved like a blanch of dress.
It was indeed a happy ending, but it made me cry. The character didn't die at the end, yet he lost everything, but he found himself in something that would give him happiness. a thing that will make his life move in circles.
"What made you upset?" Mom asked, and she starred at me as I consumed my breakfast. I forgot she was around while I was reading. Since my brothers are already used to my reactions to the book that I am reading, I wasn't paying attention because I had my mom, who wasn't.
Do I look drugged or what so ever?"
"I just read a book. It's devastating. It has this feeling that I couldn't move on."