Those furious, disgust, and hurt brewed in her beautiful blue eyes.?
Even if how many times I tried to blink it off or push it out of my head, they wouldn’t dissolve.?
There was no denying her feelings for me were still there, our connections were still powerful, but she was mad.?What have I done??How could I let that happen?
“So, no Cruise wedding then?” Ash asked.
“Impossible.” I sipped the most potent liquor this bar could offer. Nothing could compare to the burning sensation as I swallowed down the words Kennedy had thrown at me.
My parents and sister had flown to Dubai. They would be staying there for a while.?
“Are we spending New Year here?” Lud asked.
“What’s bad about it?”
“I wanna spend with Carlott,” he said bluntly.
“Then go.”
“She would understand. You still have two days to grovel.” He patted my shoulder. “Good luck. You need a lot of it.”