Chapter 3

  I quickly pulled my hands up to cover my mouth out of extreme shock.

  No, this cannot be actually happening. There’s absolutely no way.

  Relax Miranda. Don't scream or else you'll wake him up. I thought.

  I try to shake my hands in front of me while my heart was racing inside my chest. I pinch my cheeks to see if I was dreaming or if this was one of my wet dreams of Hugo Saintclare in it, but it's not.

  This is real.

  This is actually happening to me.

  This just fucking happened.

  Holy fuck, Hugo and I had sex.

  We literally had sex.

  I tried to rub my eyes to triple check but it's really Hugo sleeping on top of the bed. I'm definitely not hallucinating and definitely not making things up because he is actually right in front of me.

  I have never imagined that this could happen. I never thought I could be this close to seeing the Hugo Saintclare. What was more shocking is that, I am not screaming or fangirling hardcore because I am still in a state of shock.

  I can feel my blood rushing through my veins and I feel more nervous as I stand here beside his bed with my hands still covering my mouth. I never thought I could watch him sleep or accidentally see his bum first thing in the morning or be this close distance to the one and only Hugo of the famous Satellite Patrol.

  Let alone have sex with him.

  I can't barely put into words what I am actually feeling right now because it’s not something that happens to me on a regular basis. Any second he'll wake up, he will see me and he will see the blood stain on his bed.


  So embarrassing.

  I'm sad that I lost my virginity but int he back of my head I feel a little bit happy that he was the one who took it. I mean, your virginity being taken away by the world’s famous lead vocalist. It’s surreal.

  But there's more that I am feeling which I just don't know how to explain. I don't have any idea how to put into words what I should be feeling right now and how surprising everything is to me.

  I quickly pulled my phone out from my pocket and sneakily took a photo of him sleeping. This would be my proof so that my friends would believe my story. And even though the details from last night are all a blur to me, at least I have a personal photo of him before I'll disappear in his life for good.

  I'm not planning on seeing him again or appearing in front of him, crying like he took my virginity away to get famous. I wouldn't do that. I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of his band’s millions of fans.

  Having no memories of what could have happened last night? It could've been embarrassing. I could've done shameful things that I don't want to remember being completely sober now. I was blackout wasted last night and I don't want to remember what embarrassing things I did.God knows what they are.

  And moreover, the bloodstain on his bed is bugging the hell out of me. That's why I'm not going to appear in his life again. Never again.

  It's just humiliating for my part. I just wish when he wakes up later today, he won't remember how I looked.

  I wish I didn't tell him my name.

  Being confused with all these emotions inside me, I feel a serene just staring at him sleep like this. He's super handsome. He looks so perfect even without doing anything. Even though I have a huge crush on Landon Thompson, I still can't stop myself from adoring Hugo.

  I mean, Hello? It’s Hugo of SatPat who has always been gorgeous charmer with his bluish-greenish eyes and long brown hair passed his shoulders. How can a man be this handsome while sleeping?

  I squat down in front of him and stare at Hugo’s face intently. His lips were slightly parted, his eyelashes were just resting above his cheeks, he is snoring a little, and his lips were close to mine. I feel him breathing on my face and believe it or not, his breath smelled like mint and alcohol. I have the urge to run my fingers over his unblemished cheek but that would wake Hugo up.