Chapter 24

  H U G O

  "Come on Hugo."

  "I told you, nothing."

  Ned remains silent from the other line while I was busy with my laptop.

  "Tell me exactly why you're helping this woman, Hugo?" Ned asks me while he's on the other line.

  I fixed my Bluetooth earphone in my ear, "Because she needs help." I answered seriously as I kept my eyes glued on my laptop.

  I need to finish my presentation for next week's meeting and I still have tons of other stuff to prepare at the studio while Ned here keeps on bugging the hell out of me.

  I hear Ned chuckling. "Is that all?"

  "Yes." I answered firmly, still keeping my gaze at my laptop.

  "Really?" Ned teases.

  "Yes Ned."

  "You don't need to lie to me Hue." He persuades me.

  I stopped from typing and just stared at my laptop while I release a deep sigh, "I'm not lying."