Chapter 103

  My phone suddenly vibrates on top of Ben's bed as soon as I grabbed it, I notice that it came from Hugo.

  HUGO: How's Ben today? I'm sorry I couldn't come around, had some things to do. Don't worry I'm still in New York.

  "Probably related to Audrey." I muttered to myself.

  MIRANDA: Ben's fine. Don't worry, Landon hired some people to guard us and some nurses as well.

  HUGO: Hired? People? Why? What for? Why did he do that?

  MIRANDA: Just like you, he wants Ben’s safety too. He's my lover and he feels obligated over Ben and I. He's making sure of our safety. I think there's nothing wrong with it. You don’t mind him being a father to Ben, right?

  HUGO: Yeah I don’t. That's actually great. I am sorry I did something today without asking about your opinion.

  My brows creasing as I typed the words: What do you mean?

  HUGO: Are you watching TV right now?

  MIRANDA: No. I'm in Ben's room.