I watch him while he stares at Alex. He doesn't know how to play with his own son unlike Hugo who comes so naturally great with kids. Alex has been crying and he doesn't know how to tame him down. I watch him and loathe him at the same time. If he wasn't a killer, a criminal and if I wasn't too scared of him, I would've left him already. But I need him. I need him for my plans. I need to manipulate him. I need him so I could have Hugo's money. All of it.
I'll be rich again. I'll have billions.
"Enough already." I said annoyingly as I pull Alex away from him.
His entire room smelled like drugs and cigars and alcohols.
"Why do you deprive me from my son?" He asks.
"He's not your son." I snapped.
He laughs. "Last time I checked, I am the father. And Hugo wouldn't marry you if I didn't get you pregnant." He smokes like a chimney.
I quickly covered Alex's mouth and nose with my own hands then pulled him away from this sick man.