I watch as Ridge massages his temples. He begins to drive while I sway Alex around my arms. At least he's beginning to stop from crying. His cry is fading but he's still doing so. We, Ridge and I were quiet. He's not talking while he lights another stick of cigarette stick this time. He side gazed me.
"Alex is here with us. Throw that away." I tell him.
"You don't tell me what to do Audrey. I do that around here."
"Throw that away!" I yelled.
"You can't make me."
"Ridge be a grown up and throw the stick out!"
He abruptly stepped on the brake pretty damn hard that made me throw myself forward. I made sure Alex was safe on my arm as I was being thrown away from my seat.
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" He yells at me and I'm too scared to even move right now.