Chapter 228

  I grab my laptop again and wanted to tweet something to make people realize that what they're saying hurts Landon. I stare at the empty box as the vertical line keeps on blinking.

  "I respect everyone's opinions but I want everyone to know that you can hurt other people with your own words too. Be mindful."

  I typed and just stared at it.

  I didn't even realize that I fell asleep waiting for Landon to be back home. I found myself waking up and as I glance at the clock, it was already five in the morning. The entire room was very dim and I could already see the velvety sky from outside the window pane. I could see the sun rays escaping the clouds entering the bedroom floor. I look at the other side of my bed and Landon still hasn't come home. It's already getting pretty late for him to be going out all night.

  I grabbed my phone, and he hasn't even texted nor called where he was going. I sigh inwardly.