Whenever we Skype, it's like I'm looking at a younger version of myself and I find it really funny because Ben is definitely the splitting image of me.
"Dad, are you coming over Bethany's fourth birthday? You didn't come here last year. Only daddy Landon did." Ben tells me.
He even has my voice when I was his age too.
I smile groggily. "I'm sorry that dad didn't make it. I was in France with some business associates that time. I'm really sorry. I'll try to make it up this time."
"You always say that dad but you always miss our birthdays anyways." He muffled to himself.
I feel bad that I missed Bethany's birthday. I missed her first partly intentional, because I wasn't ready to see Rose again and I was torn with my business associates from Ireland and from France. I was kind of avoiding her during the first birthday of Bethany too and I feel terribly awful for missing the first.