It’s Ben.

  It’s really Benedict Saintclare.

  When you least expect to see him, that’s when I get to see him out of the blue. I stare eagerly at Benedict and he was also doing the same thing. I couldn’t move, I felt stuck on my seat even though I wanted to leave this pizza place. I’m stuck here, looking back into his alluring bluish-greenish eyes while he doesn’t say a word anymore after greeting me.


  I wanna hug him. I wanna wrap my arms around him. I wanna hold him so tight and tell him that I miss him terribly. It has been two long years and I have been missing him more than I should. I should be mad at him. I should get angry for what he did to me and how he led me on.


  Does he wanna do the same thing to me? I wonder if he also wants to hug me. I wonder if he also wants to wrap his arms around me and lift me off the ground. I wonder if he wants to hug me so tight and tell me that he missed me too.