“The CEO of Saintclare Enterprises , finally off the market!!”
I read mentally the newspaper’s headlines as soon as I got into my office. I scan through the magazines which were also over my desk, and the headlines were also all about me.
I sigh. “I knew this was gonna come out first thing in the morning.”
The phone on top of my desk rings, I quickly picked it up, “Yes.”
“Mr. Saintclare everyone is calling in for an interview with you. They’re all asking if you have any available time.” I can hear telephones ringing from my secretary’s background.
“Cancel all interviews. Tell them I have a busy schedule up until next week.” I hung up.
Suddenly the phone in my pocket rings. I stare at the screen and it was Mrs. Brown, my PR.
I sigh as I answer, “I know what you’re going to say.”
“It’s everywhere. My phone has been ringing since six o’clock this morning. I don’t know what to answer them.”