Chapter 12

  “Stop that Toci,” I said irritatingly.

  “You really know me, babe.” Her voice was full of joy, she must have smiled too, she removed her hands that covered my eyes, when I turned to her I was right.

  “Why the queen of the night alone?” he smirked.

  If then I was fascinated by that smile of his, now I am disgusted. I just remember that that’s how he got me and his women.

  “Stop that long smile of yours there!”

  “Why would I stop? You said I look more handsome when I smile.l,” he said confidently.

  “It used to be, Toci, not now,” I say sarcastically.

  “Are you sure?” he smirked.

  “That beautiful smile and your flowery mouth used to make me fall in love. But not now, every time I see that smile of yours I just remember that that’s also where you got the women you’re sleeping with. “I said irritably, the scene in their locker room entered my mind again. His livestock. !

  “You know they’re nothing. Your still my queen and I’m your king.” He smiled as he said this.