Chapter 37

  She turned me on. “Who are you? Where’s Titiara?” he asked disgustedly.

  Her gaze shifted to my back. Tit was there, he followed as well.

  Does he sink? How does she know Tit? Are they friends?

  “What do you need Layn?” Tit asked forcefully.

  If that’s the name of this woman, Tit also knows who she really is?

  “I should be the one asking you that. Why are you here in our house? Are you going to ruin our lives again titiara?” I can see the irritation in her eyes.

  I glanced at it, her hair straight, black hair up to my elbows. Even though she is old and has not neglected her beautiful complexion and body shape, she also has stature.

  She’s wearing a white pants and black stiletto. I can’t see what’s on her top because of the thick fur coat she’s wearing.

  My gaze travels back to her face. She has long thick lashes and almond eyes, pointed nose and red lips. Her features reminded me of Mynt.