Midnight Run
My heart caught in my chest and I froze. I could sense someone behind me, feel the sounds of their footsteps on the floor of the forest.
I didn't know who it was, but the presence didn't feel familiar. It didn't feel welcoming.It felt as alien and harsh as the terrible hole in front of me.
I took a deep breath and didn't turn around. My heart was thundering, and it was all I could hear, but I held my breath and took a step. I heard a sound behind me.
Someone exhaled.
And I ran.
I didn't wait for anyone to make their move first.
I just ran.
I ran like my life depended on it. I ran like someone was chasing me through the forest, because I didn't know if they were going to follow me or not.
I was living in a kingdom full of dragons. It had been stupid to run, to leave the protection that Dracul offered.