

  "Can't you just let me pass?" I ask the guard standing in front of the gate to the stadium. He is a big guy, clearly not interested in letting me watch the football game for free.


  "Pretty please?"

  "I said no."

  "What if I said I was undercover and needed to go inside?"

  The guard glares down at me, built like a bull and bald. "No chance. You will have to pay like everybody else. This is a charity event, and all the money will go to the children's hospital."

  "Yeah, but tonight I'm the charity case needing your help! My friends are all inside, waiting for me! Sadly, I left my wallet at home! Help me! Please! I have to join my friends!"

  The guard narrows his eyes while I hear laughter from the guy standing behind me in the line.

  I spin around and freeze upon seeing possibly the most handsome creature that has ever roamed this earth.