Chapter 64 Epilogue


  Half a year has passed since I married Noah Parker.

  We are happy together, but... I wish he would step down from his career and be home with me for some time.

  Noah presses a kiss to my lips every morning and says, "Good morning, beautiful," and leaves to start his day. We barely see each other except on holidays or some weekends.

  Don't get me wrong, Noah always goes the extra mile to make me feel loved and appreciated. There are endless flowers, gifts, beautiful text messages, and phone calls to keep me happy. But we spend more days apart than together, and it hurts me sometimes...

  So naturally, I want that to change.

  But I'm afraid to ask Noah to put his family before his football life. What if he gets mad at me? He probably won't, and if I tell him why I want him to stay home, he will probably do it.

  I'm just nervous.