CHAPTER 22 – The Dire in her


  Luckily, my dad walked in just then looking between me and Lamia, his eyebrows meeting in the middle with a glare.

  “So what did you want to show me?” he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

  I looked at Lamia and back to my dad, then back to Lamia again. “Lamia, I’m gonna need you to shift in front of Beta Michael.”

  “Why?” her brows forming deep lines and scowling. “What is going on? What am I missing?” She asked, getting annoyed and shoving her hands on her hips.

  “Just trust me Lam’s, please; it’s better if you see.” My voice was soft and pleading for her not to argue.

  My dad and I turned around so she could shift comfortably. We heard the slight crack of bones and when we were sure she had shifted, we turned around. I kept my eyes on my dad to gauge his reaction, to see if it was the same as mine.