CHAPTER 62 – Decimation


  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I growled at the now shaking guard. “Why on earth would you lock a child up in a dungeon? What possible threat could she be?” I was fuming.

  “I – I’m sorry Alpha, I – I…” The guard stuttered in fear.

  “You are relieved from your duty, go report to your captain and tell him what you did. Maybe he can smack some sense into you.” I pointed to the stone stairs that lead up to the dungeon doors.

  He scuttled out of there as quick as lightning. I shook my head, dumb founded at the idiot.

  Travis chuckled next to me, “A little harsh, don’t you think?” I scoffed.

  “Harsh you say? What fucking idiot locks a child up?” I motioned to the tiny figure cowering in the corner of one of our cells. I pressed my thumb against the keypad and the cell door slid open.

  “Please, please help me, help us Alpha.” The little girl cried.