CHAPTER 75 – Making Mistakes


  Four days until the full moon

  I woke up shivering, even though I was wrapped in the heavy blanket I had been provided by Xander, it was cold enough to freeze the balls off a polar bear. The guards were nice enough to bring us hot tea and I grasped at the mugs warmth, holding it close to my chest.

  God what I wouldn’t give for a nice long hot bath and some frickin’ fresh clothes right now. I had been in my suit for 3 days now. I felt dirty and scummy.

  It was sometime late afternoon when I scented and heard Mathias’ footsteps coming into the dungeons. Marching straight to my cell, like a man on a mission, ordering the guard to open the door. He barged in aggressively, his larger-than-life frame filling the tiny room.

  His eyes were ablaze and had me backing up on instinct. Inanna whimpered as his Alpha aura rolled off him in waves.