CHAPTER 91 – Poking the bear King


  The Bear King was huge! And I would be lying if I said I wasn’t intimidated by his sheer size and the power rolling off him. Even my father was having a hard time not bending his knee to him, his aura was that strong.

  I knew they had completed the mating process, I could smell his scent mixed with Lamia’s and I had to bite my tongue. When Mike protested his distaste for her mate, I thought the bear king was going to shift right there and then and rip Mike apart.

  Mathias was her king, a bear shifter, and she looked happy about it. I think that’s what got me the most. That she looked happy about being mated to the king of bears. A fucking bear! After everything she had gone through, I thought the moon goddess was playing a nasty trick on her. And I hated to admit it but, there was no one better or stronger than him to protect her. Not even me.

  I didn’t like it not one bit.