Tomorrow morning we will leave for Riocht. It was almost a two-day drive to the edge of Morngord and from there we were not sure if our vehicles could travel through the forest. We would find out once we arrived, if there were roads or if we would have to make the rest of the trip via foot.
I am assuming the latter, as the city was lost and, as far as we knew, nobody had stumbled across the old kingdom. Much like MacTire was abandoned and hardly anyone knew this place existed. Forgotten and isolated.
Lamia had retired to our room earlier. I think the stress of Petra being in the hands of Orion, all the travelling and the battle we were gearing up for at Riocht was playing on her mind and she had been going none-stop for the past two months.
The past week she has been looking tired, so I stepped up my role here. As her mate and a King it was my duty to take care of her and her pack.