CHAPTER 118 – Sweltering


  The smell of the ocean was long gone.

  In its place was a dry heat, the scent of dusty dirt surrounded and invaded the truck we had been traveling in for two days.

  Seven days, I had been gone. Seven days since Oliver and this Jack had kidnapped me, and now, according to one of my companions, Ajani. I had been sold.

  Who had they sold me to When I got there, would they realize who I was and that they had made a grave mistake

  We had not been given any food or water and my lips were cracked and dry, my attempt to wet them using my saliva and tongue was useless. I had sweated out any extra fluids my body held but the dehydration has now left my muscles stiff and along came a lack of stamina and the loss of more strength.

  My lacerations had begun to heal, which meant my wolf, Conri, was still with me. I just couldn’t feel him or communicate with him. Either way, it was a good sign.