CHAPTER 150 – A Deal with the Devil



  It had been a week since I last laid eyes on my mate. I hated the games, but each day I went in hopes of catching a glimpse of him. Each day I watched as men fought and men died to entertain the higher ranks.

  All our Gladiators were slaves, whereas the visiting packs' Gladiators were volunteers or criminals who were condemned to the games. Only a few other Alphas had slaves in their packs and they were the ones who were closely allied with my father.

  Each day I had been escorted by Jack the bear and Oliver his wolf. I was told they would be staying by my side until my father paid them what was owed to them for delivering the Wolf Prince.

  It made my skin crawl whenever Jack and Olive were near me. The way they looked at me like I was their next meal, a platter of meat ready to be feasted on had my stomach in knots. I put on a brave face, not letting them see how badly they affected me and scared me.