CHAPTER 3 – A Familiar scent


  The next day I woke up early and began making my way to the capital. I managed to pay a man who was commuting to Bozgvol, who just so happened to be staying at the same inn I was. He was traveling there in hopes of trading his goods for a big payday to help his wife and soon-be-born child. So, I know the few gold coins I gave him would be welcomed. I threw my pack and swords in the back of the truck and climbed in the front seat with him.

  “Where ya heading too young man?” he asks as he pulls out onto the dusty road. The old truck bounced and spewed out a dark cloud of fumes behind us.

  “To Bozgvol,” I reply, offering him little more. I wasn’t interested in making small talk. He wasn’t doing me a favor. Quite the opposite. I had done him a favor by paying him handsomely for a ride. I didn’t pay him for the conversation. I sigh at my own rudeness and offer him a smile even though his eyes are on the road.