CHAPTER 40 – Cambiador



  The door stood open, and I was propped against the frame, I couldn’t bring myself to enter my old room. Too many memories of a time I thought I had it all. A time I thought I had found happiness only for my reason to feel happy to tear it all away. There were no scents in this room, even though it looked the same as the last time I had been here. So, all I had were the conjured memories that were flitting within my head as I looked into my old room.

  Farid had said Divya willingly spread her legs for him. He wasn’t lying, I could tell. I sensed he was telling me the truth and took great satisfaction that he hadn’t had to coerce her to betray me. When a mate betrays their fated, it does something to a man. It makes them doubt their worth and skills as a man. I wondered for years if I wasn’t a good enough lover; if my size was inadequate if there was something I lacked for Divya to stray as she did.