CHAPTER 49 – Beast against Beast


  A thunderous growl reverberates throughout the palace, shaking the walls. Followed by one just as loud and resonating.

  I leap out of bed where I had been cuddled up with Morgan, grabbing a pair of shorts and throwing them on as I stumbled to the door.

  “What the heck was that?” My little witch asks, her voice wavering from the booming roars.

  At the same time Tobias pushes a mind-link through *Hunji, get the fuck out here, King and Finn are going at it*

  “Fuck,” I grumble, flinging the door open “Stay here!” I tell Morgan not wanting her to be in the middle of this. More growls ring out, again shaking the walls.

  I rush towards the North side of the building using my shifter speed but stop when a loud crashing noise steals my attention. I look over the balcony to see two bears come barreling through the wall of Mathias’ office.

  “They are going to kill each other!” I hear Tobias who is on the opposite side of the palace, also looking down.