CHAPTER 279 – A Mate of my Own


  The tears came as soon as Tawny left the guest room, which I had holed myself up in for the past two days. I couldn’t stay here. I knew that. I just needed some time and space.

  Goddess forbid word reached my father’s ears that Kolby and I were having problems and were sleeping in different rooms. He would have a field day and I’m positive he would use the information for self-gain. Twisting it to suit his own agenda.

  I couldn’t hate Tawny. If I were in her shoes and had found my true mate, the way she had, engaged and promised by a binding contract – I’m not sure I would have acted the same way.

  Sure, I have always been a lover, not a fighter but I would fight for my mate. A rare gift in this kingdom from the moon goddess.

  ‘Too kind’ is what King Armand had said to me on many occasions, following it up with, ‘your kindness will be your downfall one day, young lady.’ I missed that old man; he was more of a father figure to me than my own.