I look up at Crimson with tears in my eyes, happy that he finally knows who and what he is. I can see the settling of his demeanor, the stiffness between his shoulder blades relaxes. I can sense him thinking about what Althea has told us and I know he will have more questions, but for now, he is satisfied with what he has been given.
Me? I want to know more.
The underground library, which we have been in for what seems like hours, has a familiar feel. One that I can’t quite place a finger on. Like a seventh sense, I know this place holds more secrets and somehow, it’s connected to Lamia.
Ashe was the demi-god that came to Lamia in her dreams, the same person is known as Odeia. Ashe is the very same person to who Hunji pledged an oath too. This couldn’t be a coincidence, not when Orion and Silas are mentioned in the same breath.