CHAPTER 302 – Dear Father


  The massive migraine was passing. The healer was able to give me something to calm my mind and help me to block all the invading voices. The medicine had knocked me out and I wasn’t aware of how long I had been sleeping.

  Finally, my head felt clear and quiet. The sudden influx of thoughts from the kingdom's people was too much. It all came at once. Their prayers, their pleas, their silent promises to themselves. This was beyond just simple mind-linking.

  “Crimson!” Gillian bursts into Tawny’s room. Chest heaving, face flushed eyes blown open wide with pure fear.

  I stand from the bed quickly, almost too quickly. It's only then I hear the commotion of what sounds like a fight. “What’s going on Gillian?” I demand with a harsh voice, accompanied by a growl.

  “Maydor and Lightfoot, they brought their troops… They have Tawny! Tristan went-"

  I don’t let Gillian finish. Instead, I hurl myself through the window shattering the glass and shifting midair.